Our Story

So what is Moonshine and why is it different?….. Well we’re detailing super-freaks, and we know that detailing isn’t just washing your car; it’s an EXPERIENCE. It’s an EVENT. The quality of Moonshine ensures not only that you get the full experience – the colours, the smell, the feel – but that you can stand back at the end to a perfect result, every time. But that’s not all you’re getting with Moonshine. Oh no – this is a whole new world of car detailing. Let us explain…..

Up until today, if you wanted to be environmentally friendly, you could (and still can) get detailing products that do that, but they aren’t as effective and, let’s face it, not the quality we demand as passionate detailers. You couldn’t have good quality and be environmentally friendly. That’s because these eco-friendly brands had concentrated more on the liquid inside. There may be some tweaks we can make to the liquids, and we will look at this as our next step without compromise on the cleaning power, but we feel they’ve all missed something much easier to achieve. We’ve concentrated on the sustainability of what we're producing and how we produce it. For example, our liquid products are packaged in glass bottles instead of plastic, which are hugely damaging to the environment. By our calculations, around 51 Olympic size swimming pools get filled with plastic waste every year just from the plastic waste from detailing products. Most of this plastic ends up in either landfill or, worse, in our oceans.

Our vision is to lead the industry with premium sustainable detailing products. Our first (big) step towards this is was launching our liquid products in durable glass bottles. They can of course be recycled easily, but we’re currently working on a UK network of refill stations. Our refill prices are less expensive than buying a whole new bottle, because you don’t have to repay for the packaging! So in addition to preventing plastic waste being sent to landfill and finding its way into our oceans, you’ll be saving yourself money too! We have rolled out our refills locally. If you live in the southwest, you can come along to Re:Fuel where you can top up your glass bottles with top quality products and save money!

So, we commit, as both a brand and as passionate detailers, that we are doing everything we can, without compromising on quality, to make our products more sustainable and less damaging to the environment. We’re not perfect (the necessary chemicals for that flawless result are still in the bottle), but we’re offering something new, something never seen before, something better.

Here is our promise to you – with Moonshine….

1) Quality is paramount. Nothing but perfect will do.

2) Passion is at the heart of everything we do.

3) Sustainability of our products is second to none.

Love cars, Love detailing, Care about the environment